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Building and Maintaining Trust on a Team

Building and Maintaining Trust on a Team

Trust: So hard to build and so easy to lose. It’s essential in creating a positive workplace and getting needed results.  Whether your team is in the facility or on-line (or both), building trust needs to be deliberate and ongoing.
This content-rich training focuses on how to be a leader people will want to follow and how to encourage collaboration in a safe environment. 

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Understand team dynamics: five stages of development (and why you should care).
  • Demonstrate team check-ins. How to know your style is still working.
  • Understand the 5 Key questions to ask the influencers on your team.
  • Explain that people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.
  • Describe effective empathetic statements that build trust.
  • Build trust with emotional bank accounts.
  • Demonstrate keeping commitments to build trust and how broken commitments can derail that trust.
  • Demonstrate clarifying expectations in behavioral terms so employees know exactly what you expect, and how it should look and sound.
  • Reinforce team “grit” when results have to happen.
  • Describe getting teams to focus on goals vs. activity.
  • Understand how to build trust on multi-generational teams by recognizing the negative power of stereotyping different age groups. Generational myopia: (viewing the world-and work-only through our generational perspective).
  • Specific scenarios/role plays.
  • Successfully create a Personal Action Plan.

Content can be customized to your specific learning objectives and business needs.

For a price quote (discounted for EA members) and a full proposal:


The Employers' Association

Author The Employers' Association

When you need help answering the tough questions or tackling time-consuming projects, The Employers’ Association (EA) has you covered. Our experts in Human Resource Solutions, Professional Training and Wellness Consulting can meet your needs today. The EA was formed more than 60 years ago, by local companies for local companies, to address common workplace needs. We’re still doing it today. From two-person companies to corporations with thousands of employees, our member organizations come in all different sizes and represent a broad spectrum of industries including manufacturing, engineering, agriculture, automotive, community service agencies, municipal and county governments, educational institutions, and more. More than 700 organizations are members of the EA. We’re humbled to say that many of them have been with us for more than 20 years.

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