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Integral to your success in EA Wellness is your Wellness Consultant, your personal guide to the broad range of Medical Mutual and Paramount Care of Michigan wellness tools and resources. Your Wellness Consultant will spend time with you to introduce the wellness tools available, help to set health goals, and improve the overall quality of life for you and your employees. They will have a hands-on approach in implementing your organizations health and wellness goals and will also ensure that you’re connected with the wellness experts at Medical Mutual or Paramount. They will provide you with ongoing support throughout the year. By working with your Wellness Consultant, you can be sure that you will be well positioned to obtain optimal results from your workplace wellness efforts.

Meet the EA Wellness Team!

Sally Doud

Sally Doud

Director, EA Wellness

Paige Johnston

Paige Johnston

EA Wellness Manager

Melanie Appel

Melanie Appel

Wellness Consultant

Lauren Calkins

Lauren Calkins

Senior Wellness Consultant

Elissa Larke

Elissa Larke

Wellness Consultant

Jessica Pincombe

Jessica Pincombe

Wellness Consultant

Shannon Richardson, M.S.

Shannon Richardson, M.S.

Senior Wellness Consultant

McKenzie Schrack

McKenzie Schrack

Wellness Consultant

Mandy Tegtmeyer

Mandy Tegtmeyer

Wellness Consultant

The Employers' Association

Author The Employers' Association

When you need help answering the tough questions or tackling time-consuming projects, The Employers’ Association (EA) has you covered. Our experts in Human Resource Solutions, Professional Training and Wellness Consulting can meet your needs today. The EA was formed more than 60 years ago, by local companies for local companies, to address common workplace needs. We’re still doing it today. From two-person companies to corporations with thousands of employees, our member organizations come in all different sizes and represent a broad spectrum of industries including manufacturing, engineering, agriculture, automotive, community service agencies, municipal and county governments, educational institutions, and more. More than 700 organizations are members of the EA. We’re humbled to say that many of them have been with us for more than 20 years.

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