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Workplace Culture is a Competitive Advantage

The amount and rate of change in almost every aspect of life has continued to accelerate. Finding and keeping great talent is one of the areas which has been most affected, since the “great recession” of 2007-2009. Then, unemployment ballooned to 8 to 12%. Now, a few short years later, it is increasingly difficult for EA members to find great talent – at all levels – and to keep the talent they have.

How can Workplace Culture be a competitive advantage for an employer?

By borrowing a common practice in business and applying it to this challenge. Our value proposition is the marketing statement we use to summarize why a consumer should buy from us. Applied to the workplace, we can proactively develop a great workplace culture as a value proposition for employees which answers the question, “Why should I work for you?”

Maximizing Cultural Effectiveness:

To improve anything, we need to know where to start. The following diagram from Denison Consulting describes organizational culture as having four key elements; all of which can be measured and evaluated.

Achieving a High Performance Culture to Attract and Retain GREAT Talent!

The Denison Organizational Culture Survey (DOCS), a 60-item survey administered to your current team, will give a comprehensive analysis of your workplace by evaluating the underlying cultural traits and management practices that influence business performance.  Using this instrument gives any organization a broad, but specific understanding of their current culture – what is working and what could be improved – in order to build a better and more competitive workplace capable of attracting and retaining great talent.

Content can be customized to your specific learning objectives and business needs.

For a price quote (discounted for EA members) and a full proposal:

The Employers' Association

Author The Employers' Association

When you need help answering the tough questions or tackling time-consuming projects, The Employers’ Association (EA) has you covered. Our experts in Human Resource Solutions, Professional Training and Wellness Consulting can meet your needs today. The EA was formed more than 60 years ago, by local companies for local companies, to address common workplace needs. We’re still doing it today. From two-person companies to corporations with thousands of employees, our member organizations come in all different sizes and represent a broad spectrum of industries including manufacturing, engineering, agriculture, automotive, community service agencies, municipal and county governments, educational institutions, and more. More than 700 organizations are members of the EA. We’re humbled to say that many of them have been with us for more than 20 years.

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