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Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)

Lighthouse EAP is dedicated to helping organizations support their most valuable assets – their people! We believe that employment is an important aspect in a person’s life, as it provides an opportunity to develop skills, relationships, and develop a greater sense of self-efficiency. Our focus is to make employees’ lives happier, healthier and more productive. These improvements translate into more efficient workplaces, more engaged employees, and increased company loyalty.
Lighthouse EAP is a comprehensive service designed to reinforce your management team, providing on-going managerial consultation and crisis support. We also provide short-term, solution-focused counseling and life coaching services to help employees sort out emotions, clarify issues, and resolve personal and/or work problems before their challenges negatively impact productivity and overall well-being.
Lighthouse EAP services are provided by a network of: masters-level, licensed professional counselors; certified employee assistance professionals; and substance-abuse professionals. We provide telephone, video, and in-person services locally, regionally, and across the U.S. as needed.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Services:

  • EAP Single Case and Capitated Plans
  • Work-Life and Legal-Financial Resources
  • Manager Consultations and Formal Referrals
  • Individual and Family Counseling and Life Coaching
  • Crisis and Critical Incident Response
  • Mediation and On-site Resiliency Intervention
Employers who are interested in our programming may contact us to explore what services may be right for their organization. If you do not see what you are looking for, please contact us to further discuss our services, which can often be individualized to meet your organization’s unique needs.
Below are links to some downloadable flyers:
Employee Assistance Program General Flyer
Supportive Leadership Article
For more information: 419.475.5338 or 800.422.5338
The Employers' Association

Author The Employers' Association

When you need help answering the tough questions or tackling time-consuming projects, The Employers’ Association (EA) has you covered. Our experts in Human Resource Solutions, Professional Training and Wellness Consulting can meet your needs today. The EA was formed more than 60 years ago, by local companies for local companies, to address common workplace needs. We’re still doing it today. From two-person companies to corporations with thousands of employees, our member organizations come in all different sizes and represent a broad spectrum of industries including manufacturing, engineering, agriculture, automotive, community service agencies, municipal and county governments, educational institutions, and more. More than 700 organizations are members of the EA. We’re humbled to say that many of them have been with us for more than 20 years.

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